How to Choose The Right Hat For Your Face Shape

Guide To Find The Right Hat For Your Face Shape

Ever wonder why two people have such diverse looks from the same hat? One of the most important considerations is face form; each woman has a distinct face shape, which is crucial when choosing the ideal hat. Face shapes can be broadly divided into six categories, but no two faces are alike: oval, round, square, heart, triangle, and diamond.

Apart from these basic shapes, a person's face length is another crucial factor that influences their facial features and the types of hats that best fit them. This post will guide you through the process of selecting the appropriate hat for the form of your face, step by step.

Understanding The Shape Of Your Face

Look at the shape of your face. An "oval," "round," "heart-shaped," "square," or "triangle" face is possible. Find out what kind of face you have and what type of hat would complement your face shape by reading this post.

Find The Right Hat For Your Face Shape

Let's examine the various facial shapes in more detail before getting into the specifics of selecting the appropriate hat. Identifying your face shape is the first step since not all women will notice it right once. Since it's usually easier for others to view your face, you may ask your friends or family to look closely at it.

  • Measuring Round Face: Round face forms are roughly equal in length and width. Those with round faces have large cheeks, a large chin, and a hairline. It helps you look younger than other shapes.
  • Measuring Diamond Face: A more angular variation of the oval face shape, the diamond face shape usually has high, prominent cheekbones with a space between them that is marginally broader than the width of the forehead. In contrast to a round face form, the chin is also more pointed and narrow.
  • Measuring an Oval Face: When measuring an oval face, keep in mind that its length is around 1.5 times more than its breadth. An oval face will appear egg-shaped.
  • Measuring a Square Face: Your face is square if your jawline, cheekbones, and forehead are around the same breadth.
  • Measuring a Triangular Face: Triangular faces are distinguished by the smallest forehead, a large jawline, and slightly smaller cheekbones. Any length can be used for a triangular face. Pear-shaped faces are another name for triangle-shaped faces.
  • Measuring a Heart Face: When assessing a heart-shaped face, the chin is usually slender with a prominent point on heart-shaped features, the cheekbones are wider than the forehead, and the forehead is wider than the jawline. 

If you're still not sure, prepare your measuring tape because you'll need to take some facial measurements to figure out the form of your face. Using a flexible measuring tape or ruler, begin taking measurements of your face and record the following values:

  • Measuring Cheekbone: Measure the distance between your cheekbones across your face after feeling for their highest point to get an idea of their width.
  • Measuring Jawline: Use a measuring tape to check the breadth of your jawline. Pull it down to the middle of your chin after holding it from behind your ears. After that, double this figure by two.
  • Measuring Forehead: Measure the distance between your hairlines at the middle of your forehead to determine its width.
  • Measuring Face length: You can measure the length of your face by measuring the lower part of your chin to the highest point of your forehead.

How to Choose a Hat Based On Your Face Shape

After determining your face shape, let's examine the types of headwear that complement it.

1. For round face

To achieve a more balanced appearance, use hats with the opposite traits if your face is round. Use angular shapes instead of rounder. Wide-brimmed hats with a low crown will make the face appear sharper.

Steer clear of spherical crowns since they can highlight your face's roundness. 

  • A hat with a high crown and a straight brim is a terrific way to add angles to your face.
  • Your main goal should be to select a hat that lessens the focus on your facial features.
  • Consider adding a little definition and bringing attention to your face by tilting your hat forward.

2. For diamond face

You might wish to make your face appear longer, and your forehead appears wider if your face is diamond-shaped. Additionally, a medium brim with side accents might make the forehead appear wider. Diamond-shaped faces look especially good with pillbox hats. Styles that fall below your hairline should be avoided since they might make your forehead appear narrower and lower.

3. For oval face

You are welcome to try any number of caps! You have a very adaptable style, which is a blessing! As long as the hat complements your ensemble, choose whatever makes you feel good. Oval-faced women can excel in any field. 

  • The options are endless! All that matters is your individual choices. 
  • Try out different bracelets, necklaces, and earrings.

4. For a square face

Strong, sharp facial features are characteristics of a square face. Choose styles with a softer shape that provide volume and roundness if you want to balance your facial proportions and soften the angles. Steer clear of hats with square or highly structured, geometric crowns. Square-faced faces also benefit from asymmetry; try wearing your hat leaned to one side to add refinement to the ensemble.

  • Your facial contour will be elongated and cushioned by a beret. 
  • Steer clear of square hats or have a short brim. Both of these hat styles will draw attention to the sharp features of your face.

5. For a triangular face

Feel free to take on multiple roles. Triangle faces are similar to oval faces in that there are several hat alternatives available. Make sure your hat compliments your ensemble and harmonizes with your shoulder line.

A crown thinner than the cheekbones is never approached.

6. For a heart-shaped face

If your face is shaped like a heart, choose a hat with a medium brim, such as a fedora or beanie. All of them are excellent options! These hats balance the width of your forehead.

  • Your face will appear slimmer, and your eyes will be highlighted if you tilt the hat to one side. 
  • Actually, any kind will suit you nicely, with the exception of those with wide brims. 
  • Avoid shapes that make them stand out. Refrain from wearing wide brims that only highlight your chin and forehead.

At Friday Feelin', we are offering a wide collection of trendy trucker hats in various designs. This article will help you understand different face shapes and choose a hat according to your face shape.

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